Project Archive

Since its inception, there were over sixty projects conducted through the IMS program. Many of the multi-million dollar projects were cutting edge and some spun off into companies and associations. All of the projects listed here were publishable completed projects with valuable information. We invite you to access the results!

IMS Projects

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3DS: Digital Die Design System – Phase I and II

  • Developed digital die design system for sheet metal forming.

  • Developed “Spring-back (2D) evaluation method” and “Surface strain evaluation method” to quantify evaluation. (Preamble for 3D methods).

  • Evaluated different models and selected the best model for predicting spring-back.

  • Discussed the role and future research needed to understand the influence of friction and its representation in simulation.

AIM: Acceleration of Innovative ideas to Market

  • Developed a means of stimulating the creation of innovative ideas and collecting them from people involved with the products and processes.

  • Developed a method for processing ideas and storing them in a structured knowledge repository.

  • Developed a means of analyzing innovative knowledge to determine which is useful, and which is not in order to enable the viability of ideas to be assessed.

  • Developed the best means of delivering innovative ideas to product and process designers for maximum effect.

AMITERM: Development of Advanced Microwave and Light-weight High- speed Thermo-response Mould Technology for Woven Textile- reinforced Thermoplastic Components

  • Developed two new mould technologies for thermoplastic composite parts which allows for high-speed production

  • JETex-Process developed for low-viscous pre-polymers uses dynamic heating for polymerization

  • HTex-Process developed for high performance materials which are heated and compressed forming a thermoplastic composite.

CHEM: Advanced Decision Support System for Chemical/Petrochemical Manufacturing Processes

  • Developed Decision Support System (DSS) for process monitoring, data and event analysis, and operations support in chemical and petrochemical process plants

  • Simulation toolboxes were developed to improve operations

  • Developed tools should reduce pollution and accidents

CO2PE!: Cooperative Effort On Process Emissions In Manufacturing

Goal: The objective of the CO2PE initiative is to cluster forces in different continents, involving machine builders as well as academics, to analyze existing and emerging manufacturing processes for their ecological impact in terms of direct and indirect emissions. Possible measures for systematic reduction in the footprint of a wide range of manufacturing processes will be identified.

The involvement of a large number of parties will assure an appropriate, statistical approach, covering multiple machine types and process-material combinations. An important goal is to derive eco-design guidelines for machine tool builders and best practice reference specifications for future generations of machine tools.

Participants: Over 50 organizations from the EU, USA, Japan, Australia, Brazil, and Canada.



To create a framework for consumer goods design, production, and distribution in sustainable networks

Core values driving IMS initiative

  • HEALTH, SAFETY, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF PRODUCTS: to ensure the well-being and health of consumers

  • PERSONALIZATION AND CUSTOMIZATION OF PRODUCTS: to satisfy consumers’ specific expectations and needs

  • FLEXIBLE PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES: for high-quality personalized consumer products manufacturing

  • INTEGRATION ALONG THE SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN: to ensure coordination along networks and to manage and monitor the supply chain according to also environmental respect.

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COST-WORTH: Coaching support tool to better identify Working process improvements through introduction of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Solutions

  • Developed toolbox to coach SMEs for coaching-oriented business process re-engineering/improvement

  • Toolbox helps select the most appropriate methodology with regard to their actual business situation and objectives

DAPhNE: Development of Adaptive Production systems for Eco-efficient firing processes

R&D Objectives:

The overall scope of the DAPhNE project is to develop and demonstrate a package of integrated solutions for different energy-intensive processes (ceramics, cement, and glass), based on tuning alternative firing technologies to the material characteristics and on smart control systems, to provide real-time information about the energy consumption as well as the product quality.​​

DiFAC: Digital Factory for Human-Oriented Production System

The DiFac project aimed to develop an innovative Collaborative Manufacturing Environment (CME) for next-generation digital manufacturing. The DiFac CME is intended to be used as a framework to support group work in an immersive and interactive way, for concurrent product design, prototyping, and manufacturing, as well as worker training. It will provide support for data analysis, visualization, advanced interaction and presence within the virtual environment, ergonomics analysis, and collaborative decision-making.

EFSOT: Next Generation Environment-Friendly Soldering Technology

  • Developed next-generation technology through the evaluation of different solder formulas

  • The evaluation included a “total impact assessment” of four formulas

  • Recommendations were given for the use of solders

Factory Ecomation: Factory ECO-Friendly and energy efficient technologies and adaptive automation solutions

Definition of a holistic perspective of the economically and ecologically oriented production environment; Development of comprehensive sensing, monitoring, and data evaluation system which could grant access to an organic view of all the materials, energy, wastes and emissions flows within the factory;  Extension and development of new technologies to increase energy efficiency by reducing its consumption at machinery and production level, and by recovering it whenever wasted;  Development of advanced emissions abatement technologies; Introduction of a new adaptive management and automation platform to optimize production taking into account not only productivity targets but also eco and energy-oriented ones.

GCO: Global Cape-Open

  • Established a set of software standards to allow various pieces of Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) software used in chemical manufacturing to communicate with each other.

  • Established guidelines on how to integrate software.

  • Developed software prototypes of simulation software.

  • Established the self-funded CAPE-OPEN Laboratories Network (Co-LAN) to manage and advance the standards.

GEM: Global Education in Manufacturing

  • Researched and defined the needs of the manufacturing industry for training and education in manufacturing strategy on a global basis

  • Developed curriculum to comply with the concept of digital business and extended products

  • Developed a framework (detailed specifications) for a manufacturing strategy curriculum focusing on both manufacturing and business administration topics

GLOBEMAN 21: Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century

  • Developed a virtual manufacturing environment to reduce lead times from production line planning to design and production

  • Developed distributed autonomous manufacturing technology for flexible manufacturing

  • 14 demonstrators developed

  • Businesses are changing their business practices as a result of the project.

GLOBEMEN: Global Engineering and Manufacturing in Enterprise Networks

  • Builds on the completed GLOBEMAN 21

  • Management of globally distributed manufacturing businesses

  • Produced a guide that describes global and dynamic IT infrastructures and encourages industry and vendor development

GNOSIS: Knowledge Systematization; Configuration systems for Design and Manufacturing

  • Enables new forms of highly competitive manufactured products and processes that are environment-conscious, society-conscious, and human-oriented.

  • Used to design next-generation apartments and environmentally conscious factories.

  • Used to enhance ecological designs.

  • Improved logistics and speed up the design-to-market flow

  • Improved the configuration process for customized products and production.

  • Used to test new tools and application areas.

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HARMONY: Coping with the Complexity of Business InnovationNOSIS: Knowledge Systematization; Configuration systems for Design and Manufacturing

  • Developed a business incubator for SME business innovators

  • Articulates SME business plans for to key stakeholders and potential investors

  • Includes commercialization and networking tools

  • Project harvested new self-sustaining business entity: Harmony Solutions

HIPARMS: Highly Productive and Re-configurable Manufacturing System

  • Developed Agile Manufacturing System

  • Reduced non-processing time

  • Developed reconfigurable tools

  • Developed high-speed cutting process

HMS – PHASE I AND II: Holonic Manufacturing Systems

  • Developed discrete, continuous, and batch manufacturing systems using a reusable modular design.

  • Developed intelligent modules that reconfigure based on demand

  • Developed adaptive systems that can “plug and play”

  • Provides capability to integrate manufacturing and supply chains

  • Offers a migration path from legacy systems to fully distributed manufacturing systems

HUMACS: Organizational Aspects of Human-Machine Coexisting System

  • Developed “Info-Ergonomics”

  • Developed bone-based human model for 3-D ergonomic studies

  • Established human-oriented production systems to reduce labor accidents and health damage

HUTOP: Human Sensory Factor for Total Product Life Cycle

  • Development of working optimization based on human factors for working evaluation system in human-oriented production

  • Computer Graphics and Visual Recognition technologies developed to reduce development costs

  • Developed a new product life cycle concept “HUTOP Cycle”

IADP: Improving Productivity Automation Systems Design Process

  • Defines terminology specific to batch control systems that will encourage understanding between manufacturers and users.

  • Provides a standard data structure batch control language to simplify the programming, configuration tasks, and communication between the various components of the system.

  • Provides a standard data structure for batch systems that will simplify the task of data communications within the system architecture.

  • Determines a standard batch control architecture that defines both the physical model and the functional model. The physical model is the hierarchical structure that relates control equipment and data communications needed for the physical areas involved in batch control. The functional model shows the relationships between the five types of control recipe management, scheduling, sequential control, regulatory control, and safety interlock systems.

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IF7 – Phase I and II: Innovative and Intelligent Field Factory

  • Researched assembly methods for large-scale structures, like houses, ships, etc.: From “construction” to “manufacturing”

  • Mechanization systems for assembly of large-scale structures

  • Application of autonomous agent to construction management in field factory

  • Construction of database to manage parts


INCOMPRO: Intelligent Composite Products

  • Global, systematic refined solutions for the design and production process based on product morphology analysis

  • Detailed evaluation and analysis related to the production method of composite materials

  • Personalization/development of software tools for finite element analysis of composite materials

  • FEM simulation results matching, sensitivity analysis of FEA/FEM data obtained by practical laboratory experiments

  • Development and improvement of production processes for all project partners

  • Systemization and exploitation of composite technical knowledge

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IMS2020 Roadmap: Supporting Global Research for IMS Vision

IMS2020 aimed at strengthening international cooperation under the IMS, providing an effective interface to ongoing road-mapping activities and creating research synergies at the international level through the establishment of inter-regional manufacturing communities in the five Key Areas of Activity of IMS (from now on IMS Key Areas).

IMS Key Areas are five priority topics that have been identified for international cooperation among IMS participant regions: (i) Sustainable manufacturing, (ii) Energy efficient manufacturing, (iii) Key technologies, (iv) Standards, and (v) Education. In order to enhance R&D on these wide and complex topics, international cooperation is needed. A global and heterogeneous perspective will allow the creation of synergies for better addressing the issues involved in these IMS Key Areas.

The IMS2020 project mapped and analyzed ongoing major research activities and will conduct foresight analyses to derive a set of recommendations for future 2020 manufacturing research. These recommendations included:

• Roadmaps for suggesting R&D orientation and prioritized topics, with also dedicated sections on the needs and opportunities of SMEs;

• Proposals for new schemes & frameworks of cooperation research support among IMS regions;

• Identification of specific SME-focused actions to enhance SME participation in IMS research.

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INET: Intelligent Non-Hierarchical Manufacturing Networks

  • Analyze the needs that arise from the interactions and relationships between SMEs belonging to Non-Hierarchical Manufacturing Networks.

  • Analyze recent technological innovation trends (mainly in terms of IS and IT) to support Decentralised Decision Making.

  • Analyse existing standards for information exchange to support Collaborative Processes.

  • Define a Framework for Collaboration in a Non-Hierarchical Manufacturing Network Context.

INTERCOATINGS: Development & Implementation of Novel International Standards for Testing of Barrier Coatings

The main objective of the Project is to create a worldwide network for the development and implementation of new international standards for testing barrier coatings, including thermal barrier coatings (TBC) for different applications, particularly for power generation and transport.

This target will be achieved via intermediate objectives:

  • Setting up a network of Research Institutions and Industrial Partners carrying out worldwide research activities in the field of integrated, holistic design, modeling, production, and application of innovative barrier coatings;

  • Development of respective modeling, simulation, and experimental testing tools, both conventional (analytical, FEM) and innovative (hot burner test, thermosonimetry, etc.), in order to make a quantitative prediction of the lifetime of barrier coatings for different conditions;

  • Preparation of respective ISO drafts and proposals for a worldwide recognition based on integrated chain “design & modeling à manufacturing à testing for improvement” (DEMMATEST approach)

  • Supply this innovative knowledge of new testing methods to specialists and engineers and disseminate the coherent.

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IRMA: A configurable Virtual Reality System for Multi-Purpose Industrial Manufacturing Application

  • Integrates research and developments in VR, Simulation, CAD, etc., to create a suite of technology solutions for the Total Life Cycle modeling of the Industrial Enterprise.

  • Developed and demonstrated computer-based VR systems for improving the factory operations of Process and Product Design, Plant Monitoring and Control, and Training.

  • Addresses the organizational and personal issues relating to methods for improved training, working conditions, effects on the environment, skills, etc., through the application of VR technology.

ISMA – Industrial Smart Materials Applications

ISMA is a “Key Technology” Manufacturing Technology Platform (MTP) project where smart materials are the key technology. Six keywords are associated with the title to provide the scope of the initiative. Manufacture: How do we manufacture durable materials with embedded sensors and communication technologies?

Build: What construction processes or assembly procedures change or are required to support these new materials?
Monitor: How should we pre-process, post-process, and manage the collected data?

Assess: Given data, what does it tell us about the condition and health of that struc- ture or machine?
Predict: How can assessments through time be carried forward to predict future status.

Manage: Given predictions, what repair and maintenance actions should be taken to extend the service life with an optimal use of resources?

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KAP-MTP: Knowledge, Awareness, Predict: Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Processes

Activity: deliver energy management standards and a technology framework for next-generation, sustainable manufacturing through the development of predictive models and production performance indicators. The project focuses on 3 key areas: knowledge, awareness, and prediction for progressive energy management standards and technology frameworks. IMS held standardization workshops throughout 2013 for the KAP-MTP.

LinkedDesign: Linked Knowledge in Manufacturing, Engineering and Design for Next-Generation Production

For the development of collaboration with exchanges of experiences and knowledge at the international level, LinkedDesign will propose the creation of an IMS MTP (Manufacturing Technology Platform) project on Standardization within the framework of the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) program with partners from the other IMS regions.

​Provision of:

  • a holistic view of data, persons, and processes across the full product lifecycle.

  • by integrating all relevant product lifecycle information incl. novel information sources in LEAP

  • to improve the design, efficiency, and sustainability of products and processes in manufacturing

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M4SM: Maintenance for Sustainable Manufacturing

This MTP proposal is motivated by the crucial role that maintenance can play in achieving sustainability in manufacturing, especially when considering the whole lifecycle of the manufactured product. Really today, the word “maintenance” is becoming a little bit limited for expressing what can be done from a technical and organizational point of view to guarantee reliability, availability, quality, and safety in industrial assets. In fact, this kind of action means moving toward efficiency and efficacy in manufacturing, while considering sustainability. Henceforth, the definitions of “enterprise asset management” or “asset lifecycle management” are becoming popular extensions of the maintenance concept. Following this approach, the adoption of an integrated point of view is required, i.e. maintenance has not to be addressed as a specialized technique but as a comprehensive system approach. Total cost of ownership, lifecycle performances, energy consumption, product disposal, and safety are the goal parameters to be addressed by maintenance. Based on this view, maintenance has to be considered more and more as a corporate function to be handled in tight connection with the company’s strategy, following the enterprise asset management concept.

MANUELA-MTP: Manufacturing at Resource Efficient Levels and Above

  • To expand to the international level the clustering efforts of four European regions to develop common approaches in order to support the development of highly resource-efficient production systems.

  • To develop strategies for a better establishing of TCO aspects in investment decisions of the machinery customer on the one but also for a better support of the R&D and manufacturing processes of the machine manufacturer in order to reach a consistent and marketable relationship between investments and savings concerning the consumption of energy and materials

  • To expand an EU-centred SWOT analysis to one that considers all participating regions in the identification of weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities that affect all sides of the production process: the manufacture of the machine, its users, and the consumers.

  • To use suitable dissemination activities in order to stimulate the interest in efficiency aspects in relevant steps of the production of goods

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MATECS: Standardisation of Machine Tool Error Functions Representation and Compensation

Minimize the effects of variations in temperature, workpiece properties, and other conditions, on finished part quality

Activity: The project strives to standardize machine tool geometric error functions, parameters identification, and terminology. IMS has been working to develop, promote, and disseminate work of ISO/TC39/SC2 Test Conditions for Metal Cutting Machine Tools

MBE: Modeling And Simulation Across The Life Cycle

  • Implement 3D modeling and simulation

  • Feedback on producibility and product simplification during design

  • Replace the build–test–redesign paradigm with the model–test–build paradigm

  • Lower initial product costs by maturing designs through modeling

  • Early and accurate cost estimation
  • Verified cost models for negotiations and trade studies
  • Integrate human factors and ergonomic analysis
  • Connect design efforts to the manufacturing capability
  • Close the loop with shop floor control
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MBM & VFF Integrated Projects: Model-Based and Factory Framework for Manufacturing

  • Model-based visualization, including immersive 3D viewing, which integrates product modeling for manufacturing analysis and analytical outputs

  • Model-based simulation of factory floor and enterprise operations, integrated with linear optimization process modeling

  • Factory Framework adoption for improving the interoperability of systems

  • Solving industry-based problems with return on investment

MIGOODS: Manufacturing Intelligence For Consumer Goods: Fit4U, SShoes, A-Footprint

  • To improve the accuracy of clinical prescriptions for customized foot and ankle orthoses;

  • To improve the fit and functionality;

  • To significantly decrease manufacture time to 48 hours;

  • To develop a cost-effective, fully integrated orthotic solution,

  • To disseminate and demonstrate the results widely among multiple end-users to exploit the benefits for SME partners.

  • To create an international IMS community that will discuss aspects, disseminate knowledge, and initiate new actions

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MISSION: Modeling and Simulation Environments for Design, Planning and Operation of Globally Distributed Enterprises

  • Supports the Manufacturing System Engineering (MSE) process by integrating modeling and simulation platforms

  • Supports engineering and systems integration

  • Allows sharing of information generated by any one component amongst all components that may have an interest in that information

MMHS: Metamorphic Material Handling System

  • Researched metamorphic material handling systems that respond to varying demands in a flexible manufacturing system.

  • Developed prototype automatic guided vehicle (AGV) and support software

  • The method of Path-planning/Guide-planning proposed in WP2 and WP3 will raise the efficiency of manufacturing systems.

NGMS – PHASE I,II,III: Next Generation Manufacturing Systems

  • A blueprint for the integration of future manufacturing systems into the new forms of manufacturing enterprises.

  • Competitive advantage from more rapid adoption of advanced systems, processes, and technologies.

  • More rapid and “right-first-time” establishment of manufacturing processes and networks of autonomous units through the application of new types of simulation methodologies and tools.

  • Greatly improved response times to changing customer needs through the adoption of new forms of modeling and simulation systems.

  • Defined the scope of the “Digital Factory” concepts

  • Developed an integrate-able set of models and simulators merging a bottoms-up view of the factory floor as found in NGMEs with a top-down view of the globally distributed virtual enterprises

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PABADIS: Plant Automation Based on Distributed Systems

  • Developed “Plug and Participate” IT infrastructure from the enterprise level down to the shop floor

  • Combines Java-based Jini technology with mobile and residential software agents

  • Minimizes time for set-up of new machines

  • New methods in job control enhance efficiency

PHOCAM: Photopolymer-based Customized Additive Manufacturing Technologies

  • To bring together manufacturers and interested clients to create a technical and economic roadmap for emerging light engine technology

  • Focus on two key technologies: light engines based on mirror devices and two-photon lithography

  • Further, develop lithography-based additive manufacturing developed in PHOCAM using the expertise of the MTP platform industrial partners.

PROMISE: Product Lifecycle Management and Information Tracking using Smart Embedded Systems

PROMISE deals with the information flow of a product system through all the phases of the product’s life cycle. We may easily observe that for the majority of today’s technological products and especially for those producing “hi-tech” waste, consumer electronics, white machines, vehicles, etc., the information flow and the knowledge of product history is lost after the delivery of the product to the customer. The fact that the information flow is broken before a product closes its life cycle does not allow the feedback of the expertise and know-how, from service and maintenance and recycling experts back to the designers and producers. Design methodologies like – DFM (DesignFor-Manufacturing) DFA (Design for assembly), and DFS (Design-For-Service). DFE (Design-For-Environment) etc. are dependent on reverse information flows to produce more competitive and sustainable products. @ PROMISE will develop appropriate technology and associated information models for decision-making as well as business processes (standardization). This is done to enable the seamless flow, tracing, and updating of information about a product, from its design phase, through production and its delivery to the customer and up to its final destiny (EOL scenario) and back to the designer and producer.

REMUNE: Advanced REal-time Multi-media and Networking Execution platform and Development Environment

  • Developed a group communication protocol stack in SDL, the Specification and Definition Language

  • implementation was a first-of-a-kind, prototype implementation providing new insight into the composition of Group Communication protocol stacks

ROBUST: Systematization of Quality Engineering and Development of Software for Its Application

  • Development or transfer of technology is made easier because of systematization and standardization of the Quality Engineering methods as a general technology.

  • Contributes to the efficiency of extended technology development by utilizing Quality Engineering software.

  • Allows for production development that improves Customer satisfaction (CS)

RPD: Rapid Product Development

  • Realization of software tools for substantially improving process chains starting with physical or digital models of the product and leading to validated physical parts

  • Development of technologies to rapidly produce parts with mass production materials in small or medium-sized series using innovative tooling technologies.

SIMON: Sensor Fused Intelligent Monitoring System for Machining

  • Developed online calibration and optimization of the machining process during prototype machining.

  • Developed in-process detection of tool wear and breakage to reduce downtime and scrap rate.

  • Developed in-process compensation of work-piece and tool deformations for precision machining.

SINCPRO: Self-learning Model for INtelligent Predictive Control System for Crystallization PROcess

  • A tool for the rigorous and hybrid modeling of crystallization processes that can be used (a) for parameter estimation (b) for optimization of design and operation (c) starting point for model-based control applications;

  • An observer/feedback system based on hybrid models made of a rigorous mechanistic model and an empirical model (e.g. Extended Kalman filter; horizon approach, self-learning, intelligent (learning) operating system);

  • A control toolbox consisting of a Model Predictive Control applicable to a wide range of crystallization processes.

SMART-fm: A Standards-Compliant Framework to Support Complete Integrated Product Life-Cycle Information Management and Electronic Commerce for the Furniture Manufacturing (Fm) Industry, In the Advent of Smart Enterprises

  • Developed and established ISO 10303-236, the Standard Application Protocol (AP) for the Exchange of Furniture Product Data

  • Created the fun-Step Interest Group

  • SME-focused with Large enterprises participating

STEP-NC: STEP-compliant Data Interface for Numerical

  • Extended an existing data model for turning and milling processes

  • A prototype for a turning CNC was developed

  • Tested and implemented new measuring equipment

SuPLIGHT: Sustainable and Efficient Production of Lightweight Solutions

  • New industrial models for sustainable lightweight solutions

  • 75% recycling in high-end structural components

  • Product and process optimization with up to 50% increased weight/performance ratio

  • Bridge from atomic-scale to continuum FEM simulations

  • Novel business models with a holistic life cycle view and higher reactivity to customer

SYMPHONY: A Dynamic Management Methodology with Modular and Integrated Methods and Tools for Knowledge Based, Adaptive SMEs Controls

  • Created software to help SMEs develop and increase their capabilities to grow

  • Developed management methods and tools that facilitate the constant creation, exploration, and exploitation of business opportunities within strategic networks

  • Symphony’s product portfolio consists of seven products including SymStrategy, SymResources, and SymCockpit

TES: Recycle System for Composite Material Waste; Thermal Elutriation System

  • Developed a method for recycling materials without dismantling

  • Developed a logistics system for the collection of disused materials

TIPSS-IMS: Tools For Innovative Product-Service-Systems For Global Tool And Die Networks Within The IMS Community

The objective of the project TIPSS-IMS, Tools for Innovative Product-Service-Systems for Global Tool and Die Networks within the IMS community, is the extension of the scope of the EC-FP7 funded project TIPSS (No. 214794) with respect to IMS-specific tasks and results. A win-win situation will be achieved by making the results of the TIPSS project accessible to the global IMS community and by improving the significance of individual work packages due to the integration of the global perspective of various IMS partners in the TIPPS-IMS project.

The TIPSS-IMS project addresses the needs of the tooling industry in the IMS regions. In recent years the tooling industry has lost its competitive edge due to progressive cost competition as well as a shortfall in developing innovative sales potentials such as delivering know-how-intensive industrial product-services. No other industry depends on the integration of customer influence in the design and development process of its products to such a degree. The tooling industry faces multi-site and multi-national product development and production processes of parts-producing customers all over the world. These customers demand a great deal from their toolmakers – and the latter need to live up to these aspirations. Networks offer a chance to fulfill the prospective customers’ needs, especially for small- and medium-sized companies that do not have the resources to build up an international network of their own.

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VFF: Virtual Factory Framework

The VFF-MTP project, composed by four different RTD clusters, is based on the premises and framework defined in the EU–VFF project (that is the VFF-MTP, first and founding Cluster), financed under the 7FP. The EU project objective is to define the next generation Virtual Factory Framework. The EU-VFF promotes major time and cost savings while increasing performance in the design, management, evaluation and reconfiguration of new or existing facilities, supporting the capability to simulate dynamic complex behaviour over the whole life cycle of the Factory.

VHT: Virtual Heat Treatment tool for monitoring and optimizing HT process

  • Predict distortion resulting from quenching, carburizing, and nitriding of steel parts both qualitatively and quantitatively.

  • Optimize time and operating condition of heat treatment materials.

  • Uses databases (Material, Process & Generic) and process simulation by the Finite Element Analysis

VIPNET: Virtual Production Enterprise Network

  • Provides effective means for a virtual enterprise to successfully network in a virtual mode via Intranet and Internet

  • Shared technological data, information, and knowledge to create advanced products, technologies and services

VISTRA: Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

The VISTRA manufacturing technology platform initiative establishes collaboration and cooperation among partners to design, develop, and implement innovative learning, training, and assistance systems for complex manufacturing processes.

  • VISTRA aims to:

  • Reduce the training and learning period of operators,

  • Reduce the need for physical prototypes,

  • Improve the quality and safety of manual work,

  • Improve the knowledge exchange between relevant stakeholders.

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Goal: To develop a strategic roadmap within the consumer goods industry to increase value creation in healthy, safe, and sustainable consumer goods for emerging global consumers and social niches. The project addresses consumer needs in target groups with specific needs such as elderly, obsess, dibbles, or diabetic persons by supplying fashionable, affordable, and eco-friendly clothes and footwear.